México-Ciudad Satélite-JMMP-Primaria – 4A – Miss Karla Noemí

Artista Imágenes
Fecha 2022-12-08 10:42:09
Alumno Rodrigo Robles Arteaga
Sueño mi sueño conocer a Messi
Dream My dream meet Messi
Prompt messi as giga chad, d & d, fantasy, portrait, highly detailed, headshot, digital painting, trending on artstation, concept art, sharp focus, illustration, art by artgerm and greg rutkowski and magali villeneuve
Fecha 2022-12-08 10:42:11
Alumno Iván Castañeda Ibarra
Sueño mi sueño es ser portero en el Bayer muñich
Dream My dream is to be a goalkeeper at Bayer Muñich
Prompt Goalkeeper at Bayer Muñich as giga chad, d & d, fantasy, portrait, highly detailed, digital painting, trending on artstation, concept art, sharp focus, illustration, art by artgerm and greg rutkowski and magali villeneuve
Fecha 2022-12-08 10:42:28
Alumno Bruno Maximiliano
Sueño Mi sueño es ser bueno en los video jiegos
Dream My dream is to be good in the video jiegos
Prompt d guy sitting in cluttered room alone, by jeremiah ketner, aesthetic!!!, detailed, realistic, hyper realism, small details, goth aesthetic, moody aesthetic,
Fecha 2022-12-08 10:44:20
Alumno José García Olavarría
Sueño mi sueño es conocer a Santa
Dream My dream is to meet Santa
Prompt Highly detailed portrait of santa claus, in GTA V, Stephen Bliss, unreal engine, fantasy art by Greg Rutkowski, Loish, Rhads, ferdinand knab, Makoto Shinkai and Lois van baarle, ilya kuvshinov, rossdraws, Tom Bagshaw, alphonse mucha, global illumination, radiant light, detailed and intricate environment
Fecha 2022-12-08 10:46:19
Alumno Ana Camila Chavarría Villegas
Sueño mi sueño es ver a mi miss de Inglés de tercero
Dream My dream is to see my third -party English miss
Prompt a meet again teacher and a girl up at a trainstation, running at each other with open arms. cgsociety masterpiece, artstation trending, by rossdraws, ghibli, Kimi no Na wa, greg rutkowski
Fecha 2022-12-08 10:48:30
Alumno Mateo Franco
Sueño mi sueño es conocer a Goku
Dream My dream is to meet Goku
Prompt reallistic gouache gesture painting, by yoshitaka amano, by ruan jia, by Conrad roset, by dofus online artists, detailed anime 3d render of neymar as goku, Neymar soccer player transformed on Super Saiyan, Neymar jr, portrait, cgsociety, artstation, rococo mechanical, Digital reality, sf5 ink style, dieselpunk atmosphere, gesture drawn
Fecha 2022-12-08 10:50:15
Alumno Ma. Regina Sarabia
Sueño mi sueño es que mi prima se venga a vivir a México
Dream My dream is that my cousin comes to live in Mexico
Prompt photo, pueblo mágico, México, cornelius vanderbilt, kodak ektachrome 1 2 0,
Fecha 2022-12-08 10:52:13
Alumno Isaac García Rodríguez
Sueño mi sueño es tener un bbeyblade
Dream My dream is to have a bbeyblade
Prompt scientific archival photography of a peculiar beyblade found object made of a unique matte, iridescent fabric material that bends light like a fresnel lens. the object is adorned with a machined silicon chip casing and an intricate detailing of quantum crystal circuits. the object has an inscription on the inner cuff.
Fecha 2022-12-08 10:54:28
Alumno Mariano Ventura Cordova
Sueño mi sueño es tener el álbum de Qcatar 2022
Dream My dream is to have Qcatar 2022 album
Prompt a album stamp of emperor kaidou onepiece in fifa 2 2, ea games, rtx, nvidia geforce, best graphics
Fecha 2022-12-08 10:57:10
Alumno Claudia Cuevas Sánchez
Sueño mi sueño es tener una beca para la escuela
Dream My dream is to have a scholarship for school
Prompt a young girl mage they are in a alchemy workshop working at there desk. colorful, light rays, medium shot, waist up, sharp, bloom, dramatic lighting, by pixar, dreamworks and marvel
Fecha 2022-12-08 10:58:19
Alumno Luciana Moreno
Sueño mi sueño es que se acabe el COVID
Dream My dream is that the covid is over
Prompt 3 d render creature animal sushi cristal very big eye roots cactus elemental flush of force nature micro world fluo fishscale, design by mark ryden and pixar and hayao miyazaki, unreal 5, daz, hyperrealistic, octane render, cosplay, rpg portrait, dynamic lighting, intricate detail, harvest fall vibrancy, cinematic
Fecha 2022-12-08 10:59:34
Alumno Ximena Reyes
Sueño mi sueño es conocer a mi abuelo
Dream My dream is to meet my grandfather
Prompt grandfather
Fecha 2022-12-08 11:01:00
Alumno Juan Pablo Rentería
Sueño mi sueño es ser futbolista profesional
Dream My dream is to be a professional footballer
Prompt brown baby groot playing football for the mexico, macro lens, low angle
Fecha 2022-12-08 11:03:01
Alumno Nicolás Cortes Ávila
Sueño mi sueño es un ryboot
Dream My dream is a Ryboot
Prompt robot ciberpunk intrincate, very realistic photography, beautiful
Fecha 2023-01-30 00:00:00
Alumno Espinisa Gonzáles Iker Mateo
Sueño Tener una familia
Dream Have a family
Prompt have A warm and loving latin family, 4k
Fecha 2023-01-30 00:00:00
Alumno García Rodríguez Isaac
Sueño Conocer a Messi
Dream Meet Messi
Prompt Messi as a funko realistic 3d render –q 5 –ar 1:1